VBA code Two buttons merge

Copper Contributor

I need to merge these two buttons into one, i am very new to this and keep breaking the program ;)

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
'dimension the variable
Dim addme As Range, cNum As Integer
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, Ck As Integer
'set variables
Set addme = Sheet4.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
cNum = 19
Ck = 0
'run the for loop
For x = 0 To Me.lstMulti.ListCount - 1
'add condition statement
If Me.lstMulti.Selected(x) Then
Ck = 1
'second loop
For y = 0 To cNum
addme.Offset(0, y) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, y)
Next y
Set addme = addme.Offset(1, 0)

End If
'clear the selected values
lstMulti.Selected(x) = False
Next x
'send a message if nothing is selected

If Ck = 0 Then
MsgBox "There is nothing selected"

End If
End Sub


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'dimension the variable
Dim addme As Range
Dim x As Integer, Ck As Integer
'set variables
Set addme = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
Ck = 0
'run the for loop
For x = 0 To lstMulti.ListCount - 1
'add condition statement
If Me.lstMulti.Selected(x) Then
Ck = 1
addme = Me.lstMulti.List(x)

addme.Offset(0, 1) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 3)
addme.Offset(0, 2) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 1)
addme.Offset(0, 3) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 14)
addme.Offset(0, 4) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 15)
addme.Offset(0, 5) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 16)
addme.Offset(0, 5) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 17)

Set addme = addme.Offset(1, 0)
'clear the selected row
lstMulti.Selected(x) = False
End If
Next x
'send a message if nothing is selected
If Ck = 0 Then
MsgBox "There is nothing selected"
End If
End Sub

2 Replies


Try this:

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    'dimension the variable
    Dim addme1 As Range, addme2 As Range, cNum As Integer
    Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, Ck As Boolean
    'set variables
    Set addme1 = Sheet4.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
    Set addme2 = Sheet3.Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
    cNum = 19
    'run the for loop
    For x = 0 To Me.lstMulti.ListCount - 1
        'add condition statement
        If Me.lstMulti.Selected(x) Then
            Ck = True
            'handle addme1
            For y = 0 To cNum
                addme1.Offset(0, y) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, y)
            Next y
            Set addme1 = addme1.Offset(1, 0)
            'handle addme2
            addme2 = Me.lstMulti.List(x)
            addme2.Offset(0, 1) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 3)
            addme2.Offset(0, 2) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 1)
            addme2.Offset(0, 3) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 14)
            addme2.Offset(0, 4) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 15)
            addme2.Offset(0, 5) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 16)
            addme2.Offset(0, 5) = Me.lstMulti.List(x, 17)
            Set addme2 = addme2.Offset(1, 0)
            'clear the selected row
            lstMulti.Selected(x) = False
        End If
    Next x
    'send a message if nothing is selected
    If Not Ck Then
        MsgBox "There is nothing selected"
    End If
End Sub

Call one of the buttons from the other one, you can hide one of these buttons as well, check this for more details:

Combining two buttons into once in Excel