Forum Discussion
Use of IF
I get error messages
If a field='B3', I want to replace it with 'B2', if a field ='B4', I want to replace it with'B3*The fields are either blank(emty) =B3 or = B4.
Can you help me?
28 Replies
- JKPieterseSilver Contributortext in a formula needs to go between double quotes:
=IF(A1="The text","Some text if true","Some text if false")- JeffernCopper Contributor
Thank you for informing me that double quots are necessary.
I have other problems as well. Can you see what is wrong with the following?
Regards Jan Erik
You have to use the double quote character " (Shift+' on my keyboard), not two single quote characters ' next to each other.
And blank is not a valid keyword in Excel. Use the empty string "" (two double quote characters) instead:
What do you want to return if B9 is not empty and not equal to "B3"? In that case, the formula will currently return FALSE because you don't specify the return value.