Forum Discussion

MJenner's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 13, 2023

trouble with array, IFERROR and INDEX formula



I am having trouble trying to get the rows that meet two criteria returned from an array.

the formula I am using is:

=IFERROR(INDEX(Service[#All], SMALL(IF((Service[State]=C1)*(Service[Age group]=C2), ROW(Service)-MIN(ROW(Service))+1), ROW(INDIRECT("1:"&COUNTIFS(Service[State],C1,Service[Age Group],C2))))), "")


I have tried entering it enclosed {}


Any assistance would be appreciated

  • MJenner Since you tag your question with Office365, why not use FILTER in stead? Would this do?


    =FILTER(Service,(Service[State]=C1)*(Service[Age group]=C2))


    This will spill all rows from the Service table where State = the value in C1 AND Age group equals the value in C2. 

  • Riny_van_Eekelen's avatar
    Platinum Contributor

    MJenner Since you tag your question with Office365, why not use FILTER in stead? Would this do?


    =FILTER(Service,(Service[State]=C1)*(Service[Age group]=C2))


    This will spill all rows from the Service table where State = the value in C1 AND Age group equals the value in C2. 

    • MJenner's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Thanks for your quick response Riny, that did the trick, I did have to create additional named ranges for State and Age group
      =FILTER(Service,(Service_state=c1) * (Service_age=C20),"N/A")


