Trendline in Excel sometimes not available

Copper Contributor

In some graph the option insert Trend line is not available.

Somebody knows what the reason can be?




15 Replies


It depends on the chart type. What is the chart type you use?

best response confirmed by HermanTeuling (Copper Contributor)

3D gegroepeerde kolom @HansVogelaar 

I found it! Thanks 3D can not have a trend line @HansVogelaar 

@HermanTeuling In my office the trend line is not showing, is there anything related to your question?


Click anywhere in the chart.

On the Design tab of the ribbon, under Chart Tools, click Add Chart Element.

Can you insert a trendline from the dropdown menu?



The probleem is solved, thanks


I replied to @aylascholdz who posted a followup question.

when I click "add chart element", "trendline' is greyed out.


What is the chart type of your chart?


Make sure that it is a clustered line chart and not a stacked line chart.

If it already is a clustered line chart: could you attach a copy of the workbook without sensitive data?

@HansVogelaar  I have the trend line added in some of my graphs and now the option to add it has a large red "X"




So...discovery answering my own question. You need to pay closer attention, Peter, the X none syntax is not what you wanted, you want "moving average" so select it and it displays properly. Then go into the side bar that pos up and dress it up a bit for your presentation!
1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by HermanTeuling (Copper Contributor)