Sorting By Last Name using an Array

Copper Contributor

I have a large table of business's and the owners names. I need to create a function that will highlight the row with a business in it that has a Hispanic/ Latino last name. I have an array of Hispanic surnames to pull and compare from I just need to know how to format the Function. Should I do a conditional if/then statement?

1 Reply
to highlight a row/cells you want to use conditional formatting. In this case when you go into conditional formatting select based on a custom formula
Lets say the table is in A1:D1000 (should be the "Applies to" range) with last names in col B, and your list of names is Z1:Z10 then something like this
As excel increments through the table the search term will be fixed to column B but increment to the corresponding row and check if that last name is in the list found in col Z. If found it will then apply the custom format