LFM123Copper ContributorFeb 01, 2024Sort in pivot tableWhy is months not sorted correctly when Im making a pivot table from table?
LorenzoSilver ContributorFeb 02, 2024LFM123 Why is months not sorted correctly when Im making a pivot table from table? Most probably because your table looks as below:and your Excel Custom Lists don't have a list with January, February, ... December:SergeiBaklanMVPFeb 02, 2024LFM123 If creating the PivotTable add data to data model the rest shall be done automatically.
LorenzoSilver ContributorFeb 02, 2024LFM123 Why is months not sorted correctly when Im making a pivot table from table? Most probably because your table looks as below:and your Excel Custom Lists don't have a list with January, February, ... December:
SergeiBaklanMVPFeb 02, 2024LFM123 If creating the PivotTable add data to data model the rest shall be done automatically.