Mar 30 2020 09:01 AM
I received an excel file with some rows hidden. After unhinding them, every time I filter for a certain value in a column the rows hide themselves again, even though they were showing and I saved the document again. How do I get them to stay unhidden?
Mar 30 2020 09:10 AM
Mar 30 2020 09:46 AM
Mar 30 2020 10:03 AM
Mar 30 2020 10:11 AM
Mar 30 2020 10:42 AM
Mar 30 2020 10:46 AM
Sep 01 2021 11:44 AM
@shannonjeffriesI am having the same issue - so frustrating. Every time i filter (in my case an employee name), after unfiltering to see all, many rows are automatically hidden. I have to manually unhide EVERY TIME! Have you found a solution yet?
Oct 03 2021 02:06 AM
@amymarie I had the same problem and is currently fixed for now. Remove filter then unhide the rows then Apply Filter.
Hope it helps.
Feb 18 2022 07:50 AM
I keep having the same problem, instead of mannually doing it, you can highlight the whole spreadsheet, do format and hide everything first, then do format cells and unhide them. that will bring them back faster but i still have not heard how to keep it from hiding the cells period. It did not do this int he past.
Jun 02 2022 05:54 AM
Aug 03 2022 07:36 AM
Look in all of your filters and make sure that blanks are selected. If there is one that is not selected, select it and your issue should be resolved.
Jul 31 2024 01:42 PM
@Abiola1, clearing all filters in the Sort & Filter group of the Data tab resolved my issue. Thank you!