Forum Discussion

alecsi's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 24, 2023

Return rows that contain value from multiple tables without blanks


need some help here. Please have a look.


I need a formula that returns rows that contain values from multiple tables without blank rows. I attach the excel file here and explain below how should this work:

- each Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 has one table that contains entries with start date & end date.

- SHEET10 will gather all the entries from Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 without blank rows in between them.

- Each sheet contains calendar dates for 1 month only, for example:


Sheet 1 = will mark the begining of the year (January) from 1 jan. to 25 jan.

Sheet 2 = will contain dates from the next month (February) 25 jan. to 20 feb.

Sheet 2 = will contain dates from the next month (March) 20 feb. to 15 mar.


*** if it's easier for you, you can use in your solution a "help table" that gathers all the tables from Sheet 1, Sheet 2 and Sheet 3 in one single table >>> see SHEET10 , cell J1


Thanks in advance!




  • alecsi 

    It depends on each Excel platform you are. In any case it is better to transform ranges in sheets into structured tables.


    - you are on 365

    - all tables have the same headers

    - in not blank rows not necessary all cells are filled

    - you use result as it is, i.e. no sorting, filtering

    formula could be


      tables,  VSTACK(Table1,Table2,Table3),
      isEmpty, LAMBDA(v, NOT(AND(ISBLANK(v)))),
      data,    FILTER(tables, BYROW(tables, isEmpty ) ),
      clean,   SUBSTITUTE( data, "", "" ),
      VSTACK( Table1[#Headers], clean )


  • alecsi 

    It depends on each Excel platform you are. In any case it is better to transform ranges in sheets into structured tables.


    - you are on 365

    - all tables have the same headers

    - in not blank rows not necessary all cells are filled

    - you use result as it is, i.e. no sorting, filtering

    formula could be


      tables,  VSTACK(Table1,Table2,Table3),
      isEmpty, LAMBDA(v, NOT(AND(ISBLANK(v)))),
      data,    FILTER(tables, BYROW(tables, isEmpty ) ),
      clean,   SUBSTITUTE( data, "", "" ),
      VSTACK( Table1[#Headers], clean )


    • alecsi's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      thank you for answering. I appreciate your time.
      I forgot to mention one thing and now I'm struggling to implement your 365 formula.


      I simplified the excel file and attached it below. TABLE1 gets its data from another table (REFERENCE TABLE), therefore the =FILTER formula sees the empty text as filled cell and does not ignore the blank rows. Is it possible to fix this?

      It is a must that the =FILTER formula take the data from TABLE1, not from the REFERENCE TABLE




      • alecsi 

        I'm not sure what is your raw data source. If that's the range and you don't like to convert it into structured table , you may use it in formula like

        =SUBSTITUTE( FILTER($K$12:$M$200, BYROW($K$12:$M$200, LAMBDA(v, NOT(AND(ISBLANK(v)))) ) ), "", "" )

        With that no need in intermediate table. 



  • Lorenzo's avatar
    Silver Contributor



    Seems too late alternative (on Book333):

      Tables,   VSTACK(Table1,Table2,Table3),
      Data,     FILTER(Tables,
                  MMULT(--(Tables <> ""), SEQUENCE(COLUMNS(Tables)))
      NoZero,   SUBSTITUTE(Data, "",""),
      TryNum,   IFERROR(VALUE(NoZero), NoZero),
      VSTACK(Table1[#Headers], TryNum)

    • alecsi's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Lorenzo that was very kind of you! I appreciate it. Alternatives are always welcomed 🙂 very helpful, thanks!

      Best wishes!
