Sep 17, 2022Copper Contributor
Quote sheet referring to price list
Hello. I am trying to make a quote sheet. We have 300 products. I was hoping there was a way to autofill my quote sheet with Name, Price, Bundle Qty using some sort of reference tool.
So what I envision happening:
Sheet 2 has the products listed with Item #, Name, Price and Bundle for each product.
When I go to sheet 1 that has my template, I can enter the item # (or name or any sort of reference that would make this work) and Excel autofills the Name, Price and Bundle for that product into the appropriate cells on my template. Essentially "pulling" that data from sheet 2 to auto fill my cells.
Or I can pull from another workbook, or alternate columns within sheet 1 if need. Whatever Excel is capable of.
Is this possible?