PowerQuery URL's are suddenly dependent

Copper Contributor

Hey all, 

Working with a web API that has a page limit that I've worked around by using multiple queries and merging them, editing the URL's with page_number=0 / 1 / 2 to access the pages of data I need.

I'm not quite sure where or how, but at some point while I was working in the sheet (not editing anything to do with the queries) Query 2 and 3 became dependent upon the Query 1 URL: they all now display the data of page 0 (what only Query 1 should see). 

Whenever I attempt to change the URL's of Query 2 or 3, the two Queries that I did not edit receive the same URL change - no matter if it's changed from advanced editor or data source settings.


Any ideas on how I can correct this without having to redo my queries from scratch? Also worried that this issue may arise again even if I do redo them... 

Thanks for reading!


4 Replies


If in browser you access the same URL and change pages, do you see what desired?

Yes - both URL's display the desired/correct data


Thus pages are changed by URL address, not by JavaSript. If so afraid I can't help without the sample, if someone else has another guess.

No problem Sergei!

For anyone viewing this thread at a later date with the same issue: I was able to circumvent this by going to data -> recent sources and loading up the non-applied desired URL, and pasting in the advanced editor script from the query I'd like to use on this second URL. For some reason, excel likes it if it is done this way...