Forum Discussion

Simone Fick's avatar
Simone Fick
Copper Contributor
Jun 18, 2021

Power Query If with countifs multiple conditions

Hi everyone,


I have a formula used in Excel VBA macro that works, that I would like to convert to use in Power Query.


This is the formula in the macro:



I've tried replicating it in Power Query but it's not working as expected (it's definitely wrong, I tried combining versions I found online).

Current Power Query formula that doesn't work:

if List.Count(List.FindText(#"Filtered Rows3"[Article],[Site]))>1 then 
if List.Count(List.FindText(#"Filtered Rows3"[Article],[Site]) and [SOH]<>0)<>1 then
if [UOM]<>"CS" then "Delete" else "" else 
if [SOH]=0 then "Delete" else ""
else ""


I'm adding a custom column and then using the formula to detect which rows I need to delete/filter out.

What the formula is suppose to do (in case the macro formula is a bit confusing), is the following:

  • find duplicate rows where [Article] and [Site] are the same
  • then choose [UOM] (CS or SW) where [SOH]>0
  • If both [UOM] CS or SW have [SOH]=0 then use CS

Thanks in advance!

  • Simone Fick 

    Not sure I understood the logic, perhaps something like

        columnNames = {"Article", "Site" },
        addCount = Table.Group(prevStep, columnNames,
            {{"Count", Table.RowCount}}),
        countValues = Table.Join(
            Source, columnNames,
            addCount, columnNames,
        addIsDelete = Table.AddColumn(
                if (if [SOH] <> 0 then 1 else 0)*[Count] <> 1
                    if [UOM] <> "CS" then "Delete" else null
                    if [SOH] = 0 then "Delete" else null
        , type text),
        removeCount = Table.RemoveColumns(addIsDelete,{"Count"})
    • Simone Fick's avatar
      Simone Fick
      Copper Contributor

      Hi SergeiBaklan,


      Thank you for the reply, sorry I took so long to respond.

      It might just work, but I'm currently getting an error.


      It creates a list on the previous step:


      and then I get an error on code line:

      countValues = Table.Join(
              Source, columnNames,
              addCount, columnNames,


      There are some other columns that I will have to keep as well (but that can be sorted once this count/delete works).

      It might be something obvious I'm missing, any suggestions what to change on the code?




