Forum Discussion

MBuckner1780's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 17, 2024

Populating Calendar from an array

I would like to create a monthly calendar view showing milestones for projects based on an array of dates.  Can someone suggest the code needed for some pre-fab calendar that will make this simple?  Sample data for the calendar would be similar to what is below.

 Task 1Task 2Task 3
Project A8/1/248/15/248/30/24
Project B8/2/248/15/248/29/24
Project C8/3/248/16/248/30/24


Output on the calendar would be the Project Name next to the Task name.  

  • MBuckner1780 I'm sure there's probably many templates out there already, but here's one possible dynamic array formula for MS365:


        first, DATEVALUE(calendarMonth & " " & calendarYear),
        calendar, SEQUENCE(6, 7, first - (WEEKDAY(first) - 1)),
        days, IF(MONTH(calendar) = MONTH(first), TEXT(calendar, "dd"), TEXT(calendar, "mm|dd")),
        table, tblProjectDates[#All],
        vals, DROP(table, 1, 1),
        test, vals <> "",
        dates, TOCOL(IFS(test, vals), 2),
        keys, TOCOL(IFS(test, TAKE(DROP(table, 1),, 1) & ": " & DROP(TAKE(table, 1),, 1)), 2),
        MAP(calendar, days, LAMBDA(date,day, TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10),, day, FILTER(keys, dates = date, ""))))


    With Wrap Text formatting applied, as well as some Conditional Formatting, the output would look something like this:


    Project Calendar


    Adjust the row heights and columns widths as needed. See attached...

  • djclements's avatar
    Bronze Contributor

    MBuckner1780 I'm sure there's probably many templates out there already, but here's one possible dynamic array formula for MS365:


        first, DATEVALUE(calendarMonth & " " & calendarYear),
        calendar, SEQUENCE(6, 7, first - (WEEKDAY(first) - 1)),
        days, IF(MONTH(calendar) = MONTH(first), TEXT(calendar, "dd"), TEXT(calendar, "mm|dd")),
        table, tblProjectDates[#All],
        vals, DROP(table, 1, 1),
        test, vals <> "",
        dates, TOCOL(IFS(test, vals), 2),
        keys, TOCOL(IFS(test, TAKE(DROP(table, 1),, 1) & ": " & DROP(TAKE(table, 1),, 1)), 2),
        MAP(calendar, days, LAMBDA(date,day, TEXTJOIN(CHAR(10),, day, FILTER(keys, dates = date, ""))))


    With Wrap Text formatting applied, as well as some Conditional Formatting, the output would look something like this:


    Project Calendar


    Adjust the row heights and columns widths as needed. See attached...

    • MBuckner1780's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      djclements Thank you for your quick assistance!  This is going to give me back several hours of my day. 
