Forum Discussion

tesh288's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 16, 2024

#NUM error

Hi everyone

Kinda new here, but I believe I'm in the right place for the problem I would like solve. This formula... 




... doesn't seem to work on my windows PC but it works on my Android phone. What could be wrong with excel on my windows PC. I have tried many ways like enabling itarative calculations, but still it doesn't change a thing. What should I do? I'll appreciate your support. 


  • m_tarler's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    works fine on my PC. what version of Excel are you running on your PC? You might (probably) need to update it.
    • tesh288's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I'm using Office 2013.

      What's fascinating is that the same formula, but with large function in it works just fine.
      • m_tarler's avatar
        Bronze Contributor
        that is interesting. that old of a version doesn't support dynamic arrays. did you try using ctrl-shift-enter to enter the formula?
