Jan 06 2024 10:37 AM
insert date in excel header that is not the current date
Jan 06 2024 01:21 PM
In Excel, you can insert a specific date into the header of your worksheet, even if it's not the current date. Here are the steps to insert a custom date into the header:
Remember that the date you insert in the header is static and won't automatically update like the built-in date function, which inserts the current date. If you need a dynamic date that updates automatically, you can use a formula to display the current date in a cell and link the header to that cell. For example:
This way, the header will always display the current date based on the formula in cell A1.
The text was created with the help of AI.
If none of these steps help you, I recommend adding more information to your topic. Information such as Excel version, operating system, storage medium, file extension, etc.
In this link you will find some more information about it:
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