Forum Discussion

JAnderson910's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 01, 2023

Inconsistent formulas in table

On my table when I add a new row by using the tab function my last formula before the new row changes and skips the new row. For example: =IF('Water Usage'!D28-'Water Usage'!$D27<0,0,'Water Usage'!D2...
  • djclements's avatar
    Dec 05, 2023

    JAnderson910 The problem is definitely a result of the formula referencing cell D30, which is the next row located outside of the table. When a new table row is inserted by using the Tab key, the relative cell reference is affected in the same manner that inserting a new row in the middle of the table would result in inconsistent cell references. One way to solve this problem is to define a name in Name Manager using a relative row reference...


    Start by selecting cell H29, for example. On the ribbon, go to Formulas > Define Name. Name it "NextMeterRead", then in the Refers To field, select cell D30, then press F4 on your keyboard twice to make it a relative row reference ($D30). It should look something like this:


    Define Name: NextMeterRead


    Once defined, you can then update your calculated column formula as follows:


    =IF(NextMeterRead-[@[Sump Meter]]>-1, NextMeterRead-[@[Sump Meter]], "")


    Or, as mentioned in my previous reply, the MAX function could also do the trick:


    =MAX(NextMeterRead-[@[Sump Meter]], 0)


    NextMeterRead will always refer to the row below the current row, in Column D, regardless of how you go about inserting a new row. Cheers!
