Forum Discussion

sf49ers19238597's avatar
Iron Contributor
Apr 28, 2023

I need help with conditioning formatting also a count

I need help with conditioning formatting

When you reach to 25 it make font bigger change font to dark red & also strikeout whole row with data in it.

I have highlight in black I need count of column C

the font I have for normal text is Calibri size 14

When reach 25 in column c. The text Arial Rounded MT Bold size 20 and strikeout text just like row two.



Thanks You very much


  • Faisal1775's avatar
    Brass Contributor


    Sure, I'd be happy to help you with that. Can you provide more details about what you're trying to accomplish with the conditional formatting and count function? What software or program are you using?

    • sf49ers19238597's avatar
      Iron Contributor



      I have done section count how red font I have done will be in cell G5,G14 & G23.

      Than subtract 10,15 or 20 from I have done to get answer to Heads left open new room.

      I show you look like highlight color yellow, orange, green my formulas is not update when I put 25 by someone new I done in C7. it not update 8 to 9. I need formula count. better what I have.


      each section inside border get should like highlight color without colors





      Thanks You very much.



  • sf49ers19238597 

    Conditional Formatting can set the font color, as well as bold and strikethrough, but it cannot change the font or font size...


    Select the range you want to format.

    The active cell in the selection should be in row 2.

    On the Home tab of the ribbon, click Conditional Formatting > New Rule...
    Select 'Use a formula to determine which cells to format'.
    Enter the formula


    Click Format...

    Activate the font tab.

    Make sure that the Strikethrough check box is ticked.

    Select bold.

    Select dark red as font color.
    Click OK, then click OK again.


    About the count formula: do you perhaps mean formulas such as

    =COUNTIF(C2:C26, 10)

    =COUNTIF(C2:C26, 15)

    =COUNTIF(C2:C26, 25)

    If not, please explain.
