Hyperlinks to worksheets within current workbook

Copper Contributor

I'm trying to create a sort of Table of Contents as the first worksheet in a workbook, with hyperlinks to other worksheets in the same workbook. Then I want to able to convert this workbook into a standalone PDF file by running it through Adobe PDF, and I want the links to work properly.


The Excel document is on my OneDrive as I want to be able to edit it from different computers.


I can create the Hyperlinks OK using the HYPERLINK function, with the "Place in this document" option.. However when I save, or re-open, the document, Excel has converted all the links to external links to the document on my OneDrive; so of course they no longer work when I create the standalone PDF. In effect, Excel is trying to be too clever!


I've tried various options such as not updating links on save or open, but they don't help.


Thanks in advance.


Is there a way to tell Excel that I really do want to retain the original internal links under all circumstances?

1 Reply
Does it work if you use the HYPERLINK worksheet function? to have it point to a location in the file, use the # sign in front of the cell address: =HYPERLINK("#'Sheet 1'!A1","Link to Sheet 1, cell A1")