How to have excel recongnize a conditional format and adapt it to each cell

Copper Contributor

I am creating a simple weight tracker. The current setup has it where you can enter your starting weight in Cell A2, Targeted Loss in cell B2 and based on 5 days a week it will total your needed daily loss over the 4 month tracker. I figure weekends wont factor in, in order to factor in a cheat and just maintain not loose. 


I have the first week mapped out to fill red if you were to go above where you need to be based on that days progress and would like to drag that formatting down over the next 16 weeks but it just duplicates vs recognizing the pattern. Is there away to not have to manually format each cell? Current setup Has each cell value > A2 - (value of D2 * X) X being the number of weekdays into the tracker. Saturdays and Sundays Equaling the Target of the Friday prior.  Here is a link to the file Weight management Chart Shareable .xlsx

4 Replies
I added it to your sheet:
Basically define the range for the conditional formatting and then do the formula based on the most top left cell (i.e. B5) and use the $ to fix the column or row that you do NOT want to move as the formula is applied to each successive cell. The MAX(MIN( is to create that 'weekend off' but actually probably don't need the MAX since it won't ever go <0.
I got bored and ended up formatting each cell individually but new this could be done, and couldn't wrap my head around it. Thank you for this


As a comment, keep as many rules as many different formatting you have. If rules more than different formats most probably you may improve your setup.