Forum Discussion

Amin_Alidoosti's avatar
Copper Contributor
Aug 30, 2021

How to get rid of blue line in excel

Hi guys,

does anyone know what this blue line is and how I can get rid of it?

It also appears in the pdf when I export it.


  • Riny_van_Eekelen's avatar
    Platinum Contributor

    Amin_Alidoosti It seems you are using structured table with a custom format. Click anywhere in the table and look into the "Table Design" ribbon to select the style without borders.

      • Riny_van_Eekelen's avatar
        Platinum Contributor

        Amin_Alidoosti Well, the fact that new columns are created when upon dragging is not something you can change. It's a key feature of working with structured tables. Can't tell why the blue line persists, even when you choose a totally clean table format.
