How do I set up two graphs on the same plane?

Copper Contributor

I'll be honest, I'm kind of salty from Excel Support telling me to use Open Office. No lie, that's what it came down too. So if I sound a little out there, forgive me.

In any case, I am trying to build a weight and balance in an excel sheet. I want to build it so I can start using it in Access. But what I need right now is to be able to show a graph with a boundry and the current data points. I don't know how to do that, but I am trying to see if anyone knows. 

For anyone who needs some more info, I'm trying to create an envelope which is the safe operations of a plane, and then plot the current balance of the plane on it. If it is inside for take off and landing, than we are good to go, if the points are outside the envelope, it isn't safe. 

I am trying to punch in data for cargo and passengers to see and plot where it is. Normally this is done by hand, but work smarter not harder. 

1 Reply


One way to create a weight and balance chart in Excel is to use a scatter plot with defined boundaries.

Here’s an example of how you could set this up:

  1. Enter your data: In one column, enter the weight data for your cargo and passengers. In another column, enter the corresponding balance data.
  2. Create the envelope: In two additional columns, enter the minimum and maximum weight and balance values that define the safe operating envelope of your plane.
  3. Create the chart: Select all of your data and go to the Insert tab in Excel. Click on the Scatter button and choose the Scatter with Straight Lines option.
  4. Format the chart: Right-click on one of the envelope series in the chart and choose Format Data Series. In the Format Data Series pane, go to the Fill & Line tab and choose No Fill for the Marker options. This will make the envelope series appear as lines on your chart.
  5. Add data labels: If you want to label your cargo and passenger data points, right-click on one of the data series in the chart and choose Add Data Labels.


This will create a scatter plot with your cargo and passenger data points plotted against the weight and balance envelope. You can then visually check if the data points fall within the envelope or not.

Once you have created your weight and balance chart in Excel, you can use the data in Microsoft Access by importing it into an Access table or linking your Excel sheet to your Access database.


I hope this helps!