Forum Discussion

Oonar1600's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 28, 2022

Help with formula's and drop down lists

Hi all, 


I have 4 categories of which each category has a dropdown list with 3 choices. Once all categories have chosen a number from the drop down list, in a different cell I should be able to sum up all the number from each category automatically. The numbers in the drop down are 0.00, 0.25, 0.50. The problem is that I keep getting #value when I add a simple formula to add all the given restults from the drop down list. Not sure what i'm doing wrong here. 


Hope someone can help me! 



  • Oonar1600 

    Could you create a stripped-down copy of the workbook demonstrating the problem (without sensitive information) and make it available through one of the websites that let you upload and share a file, such as OneDrive, Google Drive, FileDropper or DropBox. Then post a link to the uploaded and shared file here.
