Growth rate

Copper Contributor

Hopefully a simple query. 

I have population numbers for a village at two census dates: 

1971   3028 people

1981  4271 people

I'd like to calculate the exponential growth rate and fill in the missing population numbers for 1972-1980.

many thanks, Liam

2 Replies

Hi @lkennedy19,

I have a feeling I'm missing something here. 

See attached document. 

Here's what I did...

1981-1971 = 10 (years)

4271-3028 = 1243 (the change in 10 years)

1243/10 = 124.3 (increase per year)

Add it up year over year!


Let me know if I missed the shot here.




@lkennedy19 Since you ask for "exponential growth", use the GROWTH function. See attached example.