Sep 03 2024 11:06 PM
I need to make a combo chart for my table. Each week will have 5 clustered bars of Activity amount, then on the secondary axis, I want to show a line for the number of total activities per week.
I have tried to make a pivot table; Unit and Category under Filters, Discipline under Columns, Week under Rows, and Sum of Remain under Values. I have enabled the grand total for rows and columns as well.
But when I create the chart, I can't choose the Grand Total for the secondary line. Should I add a column, or make another helper table?
Also, if I want to make another chart to only show the difference amount of Activity done per Unit, Category, and Discipline each week what should i do?
Sorry if this sound trivial as I'm a beginner. Thank you!
here is a sample for my table.