Function similar to CONCATENATE with mixed number/text?

Copper Contributor

Using Excel 2016 on Windows 7.

3 columns:

A1: Percent (e.g., 25%)

B1: Percent (e.g., 50%)

C1: Text that is a manually entered concatenation of A & B (e.g., 25%-50%)

Can I create a formula that will automatically populate column C, without having to convert columns A&B to text? I can do that but that seems like a klugy solution. Concatenate results in ".25-.25" and I haven't yet found any of the more advanced format options to get me what I want.

1 Reply



You can use the TEXT function which allows you to define the format within the formula.

=TEXT(A1,"0%")&" - "&TEXT(B1,"0%")

 Concatenate Percentage Values and Keep their Format.png



Hope that helps