Mar 28 2024 04:19 AM
I've seen several examples of something close to what I'm wanting to do, but I've not seen this specific example discussed yet.
I have 2 columns with data and blanks and I want to combine the data in to a single column, but there's a caveat, some of the cells in each column both have data.
Column B - Employee ID
Column C - Employee Email
Column D - Where I want to combine
If employee ID (column B) is blank, populate column D with Email from column C
If Employee ID is present, populate Column D with the numbers in the "000000000"format
If column B and C both have data, use column B (employee ID) in column D
I've tried all forms of CONCAT, TEXT, If, OR, etc.
Mar 28 2024 04:33 AM
In D2:
=IF(B2="", C2, B2)
Set the number format of D2 to the custom format 000000000
Fill down.