Formula not inserting blank instead it defaults 12:00:00 AM

Copper Contributor

I have a Spreadsheet pulling data from a couple of cells and the issue i'm having is when the Ship time is blank my formula is putting in a default 12am time stamp instead of just showing a blank cell.


Formula i'm having trouble with is in the "Live Load" tab and column K


=IFNA(IF($B$2="","",XLOOKUP($B25,'Lavern File'!$B:$B,'Lavern File'!$K:$K)),"")

2 Replies
best response confirmed by Rodney2485 (Copper Contributor)


Since you lookup returns blank cells which are interpreted as zero time (0).

Fast workaround could be


=LET( ShipTime, XLOOKUP($B123,'Lavern File'!$B:$B,'Lavern File'!$K:$K, ""), IF($B$2="","", IF(ShipTime="", "",ShipTime) ) )



In K2:

=IF($B$2="","",LET(v, XLOOKUP($B2,'Lavern File'!$B:$B,'Lavern File'!$K:$K, ""), IF(v="", "", v)))

But shouldn't it be

=IF($B2="","",LET(v, XLOOKUP($B2,'Lavern File'!$B:$B,'Lavern File'!$K:$K, ""), IF(v="", "", v)))

1 best response

Accepted Solutions
best response confirmed by Rodney2485 (Copper Contributor)


Since you lookup returns blank cells which are interpreted as zero time (0).

Fast workaround could be


=LET( ShipTime, XLOOKUP($B123,'Lavern File'!$B:$B,'Lavern File'!$K:$K, ""), IF($B$2="","", IF(ShipTime="", "",ShipTime) ) )


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