Formula Help: Bring Stock #s from One Worksheet to Another
Please see the attached worksheets. I'd like to bring the stock #s from WORKSHEET 2 to WORKSHEET 1 using a formula. The #s in red on worksheet 1 are the results I'm looking for.
I tried a vlookup, but since some of the item #s don't exactly match (i.e. some coded numbers such as EN3061416 in WORKSHEET 1 are listed as 3061416 in WORKSHEET 2), this didn't work. But these item #s refer to the same thing and I'd like the formula to treat them the same.
=IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,'[WORKSHEET 2 NEW.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$2:$F$7,5,FALSE),INDEX('[WORKSHEET 2 NEW.xlsx]Sheet1'!$F$2:$F$7,MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(SEARCH('[WORKSHEET 2 NEW.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$2:$B$7,B2)),0)))
This formula first tries to find an exact match. If that is not found, it tries a partial match.
Please test carefully.