formula for list top ten occurring numbers in a complete spreadsheet

Copper Contributor


Hi all, i am trying to find a formula for finding the top 10 most occurring number from B5 to U17

2 Replies


A key may be to get all the numbers in one column to easier find and count unique numbers.

FILTERXML("<col><row>" & TEXTJOIN("</row><row>",0,B5:U17) & "</row></col>","//row")

 FILTERXML and TEXTJOIN can do that and then UNIQUE; COUNTIFS and SORTBY as attached.


If you have a list 'seq' of possible numbers that might arise in the 'data' array

= COUNTIFS(data, seq)

will provide a list of frequencies for each number within 'seq'.  To list the numbers in decending order of frequency  you could use 

= SORTBY(seq, freq, -1)

and INDEX could restrict the number of values returned to 10.