Excell Filter

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone, I am trying to use formula correl and check correlation between two ranges in my data sheet, however this data is filtered and it has different criteria such as: Country region for example: CIS, Asia, Africa, also other criteria such as: Related and notrelated, and also third criteria such as: service type of voice, sms or call. 
The issue that I am having is that when I filter the data by for example CIS countries which are related and also are in sms service type and select that range for correl function. It calculated all the other cells that are hidden because I have filtered the data but are not relevant, I mean it calculates other service types or regions also. I am trying to calculate correl function for specificly each region and for specific service type but I am not able to select specific range that I want. Can anyone please help me with this issue?

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See CORREL function on filtered data for a custom VBA function.