Forum Discussion

Chris2280's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 06, 2019

Excel SORT() and FILTER() functions are missing

Hello there,


currently i am searching for the SORT() and FILTER() function in excel. I've read that it should be available in Office 365 Pro Plus. But when i am typing in the function into the cells, there is no recommendation shown to choose the function. Now i have the question, where can I find these functions or how can I activate them? I updated my Office, so it has the latest update and I am also using Excel 2016.


Thank you for your helping!


Best regards



  • Sappani's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have excel 2016. Sort and filter is not working in it
  • Smith_J's avatar
    Brass Contributor

    If your data has empty rows and/or columns or if you are only wanting to filter a specific range, select the area you want to filter prior to turning Filter on. Failing to select the area leaves Excel to set the filter area. You can easily identify the rows as the row number will now be colored blue.

  • Paramveer's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    1) just join office insider as well, I preferred to join the insider slow, as the FAST Version was very unstable when I tried and messed up some formulas as well.


    2) Sadly these functions are being made available in excel, when Google sheets been offering it for free since YEARS, IMPORTRANGE etc...

    STABLE AND FORGIVING. Works on windows and Mac OS, Crossplatform.


    3) I have a business premium account, but sadly I feel shortchanged as unbelievable features are available in google sheets, and these features though now have been rolled out by Office, but they do not work online when I wish to collaborate with my team, which is very primitive.

    They only work on my hard drive office insider slow version.




    • BorysBl's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      FILTER function
      Excel for Microsoft 365 Excel for Microsoft 365 for Mac Excel for the web Excel 2021 Excel 2021 for Mac Excel 2019 Excel for iPad Excel for iPhone Excel for Android tablets Excel for Android phones
      • SergeiBaklan's avatar


        Strange, these function are in production now. Could you please share your current version from File->Account, it shall be like


    • Chris2280's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Hello Sergei,


      thank you for your fast response. Unfortunately the link does not work respectivly does not loading. I tried to access over the google link, but it does not work either. Maybe its just the server. But i will try to install the insider (fast) build und hopefully it works.

      • SergeiBaklan's avatar

        Chris2280 , strange, it shall work. Try simply or google "Office 365 insider program". Actually this site gives an information about Insiders program and somewhere it shall be instruction how to join and install insiders version - it depends on your platform and are you on personal or business subscription.
