Excel Recommended Chart's not showing up/working

Copper Contributor

For a school science project, my teacher showed me how to get a chart that filled in all my data.

I followed the exact instructions but came out with different results.



I highlighted with my mouse as if to copy, then selected recommended charts.

And came out with this:


When selecting all charts it gave me a scatter plot (like I wanted) but not with my info in it.

I don't know how to edit the chart so that my data would be there.

I am hoping someone would know how to solve my problem.


1 Reply


What that message is telling you is that your data is text, not numbers. I know, they look like numbers to you, but they're stored as text. The column headings say "cm" and "Hz"--rely on that to make clear that the numbers below are, well, cm and Hz. Take away the letters designating them so, make sure then that you've got only numbers .... here, in the attached I've done it for you. See if the "recommended chart" link works now.