Forum Discussion
Excel macro - Find different filenames
Hi there,
So I'm trying to create a tool used for work purposes, every time we download a file from our server, it is labelled as "USCOTRN" - however, when multiple of these files are downloaded, they automatically rename to "USCOTRN (1)" and go up incrementally - depending on the number of times the file has been downloaded.
So my question is, I want to create a macro that when "USCTORN" is open, the macro automatically moves the worksheet to the new workbook, and formats the data - I have the macro working and formatting correctly, what I can't seem to get around is a way of different file names.
The VBA shows below,
' USCOTRNCopy Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+T
Sheets("USCOTRN").Move After:=Workbooks("USCOTRNMaster.xlsm").Sheets(1)
Where "Windows ("USCOTRN.csv").Activate is placed, is there a workround where the macro automatically finds excel workbooks that are open, and uses that spreadsheet to run the macro and format the data?
Many thanks for any help you can give!
- Subodh_Tiwari_sktneerSilver Contributor
You may try something like this...
Sub USCOTRNCopy() Dim wbDest As Workbook Dim wbSource As Workbook Dim wb As Workbook Dim wsSource As Worksheet Set wbDest = ThisWorkbook For Each wb In Workbooks If wb.Name Like "USCOTRN*.csv" Then Set wbSource = wb Exit For End If Next wb If Not wb Is Nothing Then Set wsSource = wbSource.Worksheets("USCOTRN") wsSource.Move after:=wbDest.Worksheets(1) End If End Sub