Brass Contributor

I am one of those who believe spreadsheet LAMBDAs are probably the biggest advance in spreadsheets ( since the invention of spread-sheets).    To this end, I decided to post some videos on Excel LAMBDAs.

My first vide is on Excel LAMBDA RECURSION

You can find it by GOOGLING 
[  site:youtube.com Jsq2WOIA67U "Excel Lambda Recursion"  ]

The code in the middle is the ID of the video. 
I did not include a  link as I would never click on a link in  a public forum.

Its a video intended for a class, so its long, about 20min.

This is my first youtube video ever.  This is not a post to increase my clicks.

I would be curious what this august group thinks of it?

2 Replies


"I am one of those who believe spreadsheet LAMBDAs are probably the biggest advance in spreadsheets ( since the invention of spread-sheets)"


Leonard, I agree with your assessment.  I am told (and who am I to disagree) that it is the recursive Lambda that makes Excel Turing complete.


Your video does not fall short in terms of its ambition.  Not many would start the discussion of Lambda with a recursive form, defined as a LET variable.  The use of the code equivalent at the beginning suggests that your target audience are programmers with some coding background but are interested in how the concepts have been applied in the spreadsheet environment.  If that was not your intention, that part of the video would have limited impact regarding the ideas it communicates to a spreadsheet audience.


Despite that, I enjoyed your video and thought it was nicely produced.


Hi Peter:

Thanks much for your response. I have been very impressed with all your posts on this forum.

Your assessment, is correct. My videos are targeted at the sub-set of excel-users that are programmers and sophisticated users ( e.g. persons use, or aspire to use VBA), as I see this as the group that will likely be developing high “value-added” spread-sheet LAMBDAs.