Forum Discussion

christie1301's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 15, 2024

Excel chart

Hi ,


I can't seem to be able to insert chart in my excel sheet . I have the Microsoft 365. Please help

  • christie1301 

    Could you please give bit more details.

    With 365 you are on Windows, Mac, Android, web or iOS?

    When you select data in the grid and after that on ribbon Insert->Charts->some chart

    what happens - you don't see Charts section on ribbon, you select chart but have some error, or something else?

    • christie1301's avatar
      Copper Contributor



      Thank you  for  the reply. It is the same issue either I am using (my computer) windows or macbook. When I try to say insert  a bar chart, the image of the chart doesn't show , I can only see the data (numbers or text) and not the shapes. hope this provide a little clarification.



      Thank you!

      • OluwapelumiArowosaye's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        Highlight the data you want to use and press ALT+F1 or ALT+Fn+F1 on your keyword. If you try both and you are still having the same issue. You can take a screenshot of what you have so as to see you are getting.
