Forum Discussion

marianne goodman's avatar
marianne goodman
Copper Contributor
May 06, 2017

excel 365 upgrade on new mac lost all my excel 2011 files

I got a new imac, i moved all my files with time machione back-up and added a new office 365.  Word works fine but Excell does not show that I have any files.


I tried to open the Excel from office 2011, still in my app folder but it wants the product key, which I can't find, to open.  help!  all my business cost files are lost.

    • SergeiBaklan's avatar

      Hi Marianne,


      Afraid very few people here use Mac version to give you practical advice, especially over weekend.


      You may try to do the following

      1) Since you see Word files, most probably all your files, includes Excel ones, were back-upped. However, please check with File explorer, or how you call it for Mac, all your files from old computer are at proper place on new one.


      2) In Excel application click Open, select the folder where you know the excel files are, near File name bar window that shall be the filter to select certain type of files - select here All files (*.*)


      You will see all files in this folder. Select one you believe that's your Excel file and open it.


      If all above work most probably you need to change some default setting for your Excel. If not works, most probably something is wrong with backup.
