Datedif function

Copper Contributor



Is there another function to use to calculate the différence between two dates than DATEDIF ? 

I tried many times, but theres always an error in the function. I read a lot explanation and tried to copy the formula and the data in the right cell, but it still not working. 


Y a-t-il une autre fonction à utiliser pour calculer la différence entre deux dates que DATEDIF?

J'ai essayé plusieurs fois, mais il y a toujours une erreur dans la fonction. J'ai lu beaucoup d'explications et j'ai essayé de copier la formule et les données dans la bonne cellule, mais ça ne fonctionnait toujours pas.


Thank you/Merci, 


3 Replies
I'm not actually familiar with this function but see link below - seems that where you have "A" in your formula this is not a valid unit code (i.e. for number of days it should be "d", years should be "y", etc.). Also, if this still does not work, try using semi-colon as separator - i.e. =DATEDIF(A1;B1;"d")


The attached has some DATEDIF formulas that work with English localisation despite my using a mix of date-values and dates as text. If it translates OK to French localisation then you should be able to tell us the correct format.

Assuming you have 23/06/2020 in cell A1 and 28/06/2020 in cell B1.

In cell C1, you have write the simple formula =B1-A1 which will deliver 5 as the result