Date Return From Calendar

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone: new here Thanks in advance


Goal: I need to return the latest date a manager co-travelled with a Sales Rep.


I created a basic calendar, stating in Cell A3 I put all calendar dates running down column A.  I then have 13 reps starting in cell B2 - N2 (running across row 2).  All of the cells within are drop down menus containing the names of the same 5 managers.  


I need to know when the last time a manager co-travelled with a Sales Rep.  Knowing that a manager can co-travel with a single rep more then one time through out the year.






4 Replies


Do you want to know

  1. One date: the last date any manger co-travelled with any sales rep
  2. A list of 13 dates, one for each sales rep
  3. A list of 5 dates, one for each manager
  4. A 5 by 13 list, one date for each manager/sales rep combination

@HansVogelaar Thank you for replying to me Hans.


I would like to know the last date each of the 5 managers co-travelled with each of the 13 Sales Reps.  

For example manager A co-traveled with Rep 1 on 1/15/24, and Co -Traveled with Rep B on 2/4/24.  I would like to return the dates:


I have a separate calendar i created that houses dates and names




Let's say the first sheet is named Data Sheet.

In C3 on the overview sheet:


=LET(m, MAXIFS('Data Sheet'!$A$3:$A$368, INDEX('Data Sheet'!$B$3:$N$368, 0, XMATCH($B3, 'Data Sheet'!$B$2:$N$2)), C$2), IF(m=0, "", m))


Fill down, then to the right (or vice versa)




Thank you very much for your assistance. I appreciate that you took the time out of your day to help me. I will do my best to pay it forward on your behalf.

Have a great day!