Forum Discussion
Feb 04, 2024Copper Contributor
Data applied to Map Chart - Australia wrong shape and size
Hi all, I'm plotting my data on the map chart to show global spread however Australia is showing up tiny on the map (far smaller than New Zealand - see below) - does anyone have a solution? other...
Feb 16, 2024Platinum Contributor
JeffIvey9 Indeed you are not Insider/Beta but I'm surprised that Australia is not on your Current Channel version. Can't really tell why. I'd suggest you send feedback to MS.
Feb 16, 2024Copper Contributor
Riny_van_Eekelen thansk, will do
- davidstudentFeb 19, 2024Copper Contributor
JeffIvey9 I found the application Tableau a lot better to work with for mapping my data. You do need to either have academic access or pay for it though...
- JeffIvey9Feb 19, 2024Copper Contributor
SergeiBaklan Thanks for the suggestion. I tried on another machine, but the same result.
- SergeiBaklanFeb 19, 2024MVP
I have no idea why so. Map Charts processes data on Microsoft cloud, something wrong on their servers and/or with local cache. I'd try on another PC, if you have access to it, with fresh file.
- JeffIvey9Feb 19, 2024Copper Contributor
SergeiBaklan I tried again from new this morning, but same result, no Australia
- SergeiBaklanFeb 19, 2024MVP
Something strange. Previous Friday in my case it worked only on Beta. Today repeated from the scratch - works on both
- Maciej_KopczynskiFeb 17, 2024Brass Contributor
In my case (2403 Beta Channel) the problem also occurs.
- SergeiBaklanFeb 16, 2024MVP
It looks like it shows Tasmania only on Current channel