Forum Discussion
Aug 15, 2024Copper Contributor
Counting employees during each hour of the day
Hello. I am having a hard time figuring out how to use functions to count the number of staff I have working during each hour of the day. I am a beginner, but I enlisted the help of someone who has m...
Aug 19, 2024MVP
PeterBartholomew1 , it looks like count for the last hour in last date is not correct.
Played a bit with regex as well
time, SEQUENCE(24, , 0) / 24,
datetime, dates + time,
) * 1 + dates,
) * 1 + dates,
timeEnd, timeEndRaw + (timeStart > timeEndRaw),
shiftStart, TOCOL(timeStart, 3),
shiftEnd, TOCOL(timeEnd, 3),
count, MAP(
LAMBDA(v, SUM((v >= shiftStart) * (v <= shiftEnd)))
VSTACK(HSTACK("Time/Date", dates), HSTACK(time, count))
Aug 19, 2024Silver Contributor
Yes, I should have checked the result more carefully. I was trying to understand the structure of the problem and pretty much stopped when I got numbers! I then side-tracked myself with playing REGEX games and working towards Lambda functions as modules, for example
= LAMBDA(shift,
ExtractTimeλ, LAMBDA(s, SUM({60,1}/60/24 * REGEXEXTRACT(s, "\d{2}", 1))),
valid?, REGEXTEST(shift, "\d{4}-\d{4}"),
start, REGEXEXTRACT(shift, "^\d{4}"),
end, REGEXEXTRACT(shift, "\d{4}$"),
startTime, MAP(start, ExtractTimeλ),
endTime, MAP(end, ExtractTimeλ),
IF(valid?, endTime - startTime + (startTime>endTime), "")
Too many games to play and too little time.
- SergeiBaklanAug 20, 2024MVP
Yes, too many games...
- PeterBartholomew1Aug 22, 2024Silver Contributor
I have taken another crack at the problem. My goal was to reduce the solution to the same form as I use for banded tax problems, sales commission tiers, FIFO calculations and a number of other problems that involve overlapping range calculation. Namely, I stack all types of events in a single block and sort them into a single table for calculation. Nowadays GROUPBY and PIVOTBY can be valuable.
=LET( timeLine, EXPAND(TOCOL(dates + SEQUENCE(24, , 0) / 24, , TRUE), , 2, 0), validTimes, REGEXEXTRACT(times, "\d{4}-\d{4}"), assocDates, TOCOL(IF(ISERROR(validTimes), NA(), dates), 3, TRUE), clockTimes, TOCOL(validTimes, 3, TRUE), startTimes, MAP( TEXTBEFORE(clockTimes, "-"), LAMBDA(t, SUM({60, 1} * REGEXEXTRACT(t, "\d{2}", 1) / 60 / 24)) ), endTimes, MAP( TEXTAFTER(clockTimes, "-"), LAMBDA(t, SUM({60, 1} * REGEXEXTRACT(t, "\d{2}", 1) / 60 / 24)) ), finishTimes, endTimes + (startTimes > endTimes), startDatetimes, EXPAND(assocDates + startTimes, , 2, 1), finishDatetimes, EXPAND(assocDates + finishTimes, , 2, -1), keyDatetimes, VSTACK(timeLine, startDatetimes, finishDatetimes), events, SORT(keyDatetimes), sortedDatetimes, TAKE(events, , 1), headcount, SCAN(0, TAKE(events, , -1), SUM), timeslot, FLOOR.MATH(sortedDatetimes, 1 / 24), duration, DROP(sortedDatetimes, 1) - sortedDatetimes, manhours, headcount * duration, day, INT(timeslot), hour, MOD(timeslot, 1), DROP(PIVOTBY(hour, day, 24 * manhours, SUM, , 0, , 0), , -1) )
There might be a case for modularising the formula further to separate the restructuring (using REGEX) from the subsequent calculation. The calculations for headcount and time durations could also be Lambda function. I feel I should use more in the way of functional breakdown of problems using a tree of Lambda functions than I do. The "1500-0330" is still a bit of an unresolved problem since it pushes 3½ hours labour outside the period of the analysis.
- SergeiBaklanAug 27, 2024MVP
That's interesting approach, especially if apply it to more adequate task. This one is not well defined initially, thus results are not very practical.