Mar 27 2024 07:07 AM
So I have the macro to count cells by color already and have it set up to count cells with 1 color in a range.
is there away to count multiple colors for the same range? I'm trying to calculate the total counts for 8 colors in 1 range.
I have color coded #s for attendance tracking, i have 8 that are colored for everything except PTO. PTO tracking is a blank fill. So if there is a way to calculate sums but excluding the blank fills that will work too. (other than using ctrl and clicking cells) i'm using these to track in another sheet in the same workbook.
Mar 27 2024 07:21 AM
You could use a similar macro/custom function, but add 1 to the count in the loop through the cells if
mycell.Interior.ColorIndex <> xlColorIndexNone
where mycell is the variable that refers to the cell in the loop.
Mar 27 2024 07:34 AM
Mar 27 2024 08:41 AM
Here you go:
Function SumNoFillCells(data_range As Range) As Double
Dim cellCurrent As Range
Dim sumRes As Double
sumRes = 0
For Each cellCurrent In data_range
If cellCurrent.Interior.ColorIndex = xlColorIndexNone Then
sumRes = WorksheetFunction.Sum(cellCurrent, sumRes)
End If
Next cellCurrent
SumNoFillCells = sumRes
End Function
Example of usage: