Forum Discussion
Copying a Check Box to other cells
- LPONG0413Jan 05, 2020Copper Contributor
I thought that should work but no matter how many cells I highlight to copy it to, only one cell will take it. Yes, they are all in one column. One thing I noticed, when we normally copy something, it creates a dotted line box around the cell that is copied and that tells us the copied cell is ready to be pasted. In the case of this check box, no dotted box appears but I can paste it to other cells down the line without repeating the "copy" command.
Is this a software (ms office - excel) malfunction?
- mathetesJan 05, 2020Silver Contributor
It just occurs to me to ask Presumably this is simply a case where somebody along the lines is answering "Yes" or "No" (in effect) to some question or other. You could--presuming that to be the case--just have a cell with Data Validation set (in the menu, under Data....Validation) to accept only "Y" or "N" as responses.
A check box, on the other hand, USUALLY isn't used in every one of 5,000 rows of a database. Its appropriate use is in an input form, rather than in a database. [Now, I admit, I don't know what you're doing, and it may be entirely appropriate to have the check box, but I thought it appropriate to at least ask.