Forum Discussion
Sep 28, 2024Copper Contributor
Convert Excel Formula to Math
For the longest time, I had been looking for an excel add-on that would convert a formula in a cell to readable math. I could not can't find one and with some help wrote a basic one here, but it does not work very well on some formulas.
Does anyone know of an add-on that will do so? It makes finding errors super easy.
Thank You.
- mathetesSilver Contributor
I'm curious what has motivated you to be on this search. I know for myself, and I suspect many others, the vast majority of my Excel formulas are not primarily mathematical; rather they involve tables, arrays, matrices, and the retrieving of data from same. Yes, of course, there are SUMs and AVERAGEs and MINs and MAXs and so forth. But those are almost incidental,
As I said, just curious what the contexts are in which such a capability will prove (has proven) to be valuable.