Dec 07 2020 11:26 AM
Dec 07 2020 12:07 PM
Hi @Meghan96
Just to make sure you follow these steps to insert a new line break
Here are the steps to start a new line in Excel Cell using the shortcut in Mac
Dec 08 2020 08:54 AM
Don't forget to apply Wrap Text to the cell(s)
Jan 28 2021 02:04 PM
@SergeiBaklan I have tried the "control + option + enter" combo and ensured the wrap text but it isn't working. It is not breaking the entries into their own lines. Any other ideas?
Jan 29 2021 01:33 PM
Sorry, I'm not on Mac. Please check this Start new line in Excel cell - 3 ways to add carriage return ( , perhaps Control+Command+Return will work
Sep 27 2021 01:13 AM
@Meghan96 I have the same problem, but intermittent. This seems to have happened when upgrading to latest Excel through O365....
May 22 2022 10:10 PM
Try with Command + Shift + Enter. It will work to split the line excel cell in Mac
Mar 09 2023 01:17 PM
Nov 17 2023 06:29 AM
@Meghan96 Was having same issue when I logged in for work (from Mac).. ‘Command’ + ‘option’ worked for me.