Aug 30 2024 05:13 PM
I have a complicated excel problem I'm hoping to get some help for. I'm not sure if it's actually possible to solve, but you all are my best chance.
Platform: Excel 365
I have an excel workbook that tracks Client's monthly budgets. Each month has it's own sheet. I also have a dashboard where I have created several charts that track certain datapoints as the sheets get filled out. I would like to create a table/chart/new sheet that automatically populates with several data points of client's if they chronically overspend their monthly budget by 20% or more.
1 - Clients don't all start at the same time
2 - Budgets aren't the same
Can I make a table that automaticly populates Column A, B, C, D, E, F if a client has overspent their budget by 20% or more for 3 months (not always consecutive)?
Would this be easier to dedicate a new sheet to?
Is there a way to make the remediation Column (N) say yes if overspending criteria is met, no if not met, but then feed that into a seperate table for remediation tracking?
Another option I'm not aware of?
I would be looking to have column A-F from the monthly sheets autopopulate into a new datatable for tracking remediation proceedures.
Sep 02 2024 02:10 AM