Forum Discussion
Column Filter with Value "ALL"
Hi People,
I recently had a problem with the filter dropdown of a column. I found out that there was a value in the column as "ALL".
When I further opened this value, the filters of that column was in a loop and was never ending. However , when we manipulated the value of that column from "ALL" to anything other than "ALL" like "ALL_" , "_ALL"..etc, the looping stopped.
My question to the forum is , can we say that this value "ALL" is considered as "Select ALL" by the Microsoft Excel and is causing the looping?
Thank you
- mathetesSilver Contributor
Are you talking about this first Filter option, as it might apply to a set of tabular data?
If that's not what you're talking about, it might help you get a response (after 50 views, I'm the first to respond) if you were to clarify a bit more.
Also what's the nature of the spreadsheet (without violating any confidentiality)...I've never considered there to be a "loop" when I use this option. It just shows all rows that haven't been excluded by one of the other Filter options on one of the other columns. In short, "Select All" means -- "don't filter on this column" so it's hard to imagine a looping as a consequence.
- Sharath123Copper Contributor
Hi mathetes , Thanks for the reply.
Yes , I am talking about the first filter option, it applies on a set of tabular data.If you can observe here, The filter is considering the value "ALL" as Select all, Like you said (No filters applied") and is forming the recurring loop. "ALL" is one of the values in the column and the looping is taking place with this value only. However when we changed the value of "ALL" to any other value like "ALL_" the recursion of loop is stopped.
My question is , can we say that this is because Ms Excel is considering value "ALL" as "Select ALL" ?Another screenshot to just show that, the loop has all the values of column with one of its value "ALL"
- mathetesSilver Contributor
Looking at your screen shot, my first (and, for the time being, last) thought is:
- however it is you have your data arrayed,
- whatever it is that is in that column (those columns, plural, ??) where there's a repeated, multi-level deep, value of "ALL"....
...that the real problem is in your database design.
That tentative conclusion could be an incorrect conclusion, but it's my only thought given the limited evidence you've shown us.
Are you able to reveal more of what this table contains? How the data are arrayed? What ALL means in the column(s) where it appears?