Changing default dates on Excel for Mac

Copper Contributor



I have a very annoying issue with Excel for Mac with the date formatting being unable to be switched to dd/mm/yyyy. I run Excel 16.8 on macOS 10.13.1.


The current default date format is the American one mm/dd/yyyy but I need the rest-of-the-world dd/mm/yyyy. In the Language & Region section I have set English UK and Greek, in that order, with the advanced options set to dd/mm/yyyy and restarted the computer with no avail.


Anyone else having this issue?

6 Replies



I have a spreadsheet that I have been updating weekly for years...originally on a Windows laptop but I have been using it on my Mac laptop for a couple of years now.  Until this morning* I could use dd/mm/yyyy...and now I can't.  





* last 7 days anyway

Office 365 Excel 16.8, Mac 10.13.1

I do not have the US region on my computer at all but the dates keep going in the US format.  I have cleared all formats and put the correct format in a number of times and made sure that the region is UK, but to no avail!!


I would love to know if there is a solution to this?

@Christos Savva 

I am using  Excel 16.78.3 on a Mac fitted with Sonoma 14.1.
I would like also to use the system day, month, year  when I type a date.
When I type 1/2/23 it comes as January 2nd  and I need it to be February 1st. 
I tried to go to System Setting >> General >> Language and Region and set the date format as dd/mm/yyyy but it did not change the way Excel behaves. 

Did you find a solution to your issue.


@AntoineDubai I am trying to use the UK date format instead of the US format on Windows but am still having to change it on my tables. I usually just highlight the whole column and change it that way. Every time I need to make the table bigger, I have to do the same thing.


It seems to be a problem for everyone and needs Microsoft to change something which they are not doing.


I hope you find a solution but think it unlikely as I have tried everything I know and know of others with the same problem.


Thanks Barbara for your message.

Let's wait for Apple or Microsoft to find a solution.

Best regards,