Forum Discussion
Sep 29, 2019Copper Contributor
Cause and Effect Model
I have to find the correlation matrix and develop a cause-and-effect model to provide insights about the satisfaction level. Attached is the data and my solution, can someone please tell me if I am on the right track?
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Hello Ajay_Vaidya
I'm not sure if we can answer whether or not you're on the right track. You may need to discuss this with the people who gave you the task.
Is there a formula or calculation that you need help with? Please post the formula.
- Ajay_VaidyaCopper Contributor
IngeborgHawighorst - Hello, thank you for your response. There is no formula used. I used the Regression analysis function to use this.
Ajay_Vaidya So, what do you need help with? Is there an error or a wrong result? Sorry, but it's not possible to tell from the screenshot what you are trying to achieve and whether or not you have achieved it or if there is an issue. You'd need to describe that in more detail or post a sample file.