Forum Discussion
Mar 01, 2022Copper Contributor
Calculated items issue in pivot table
Hi all,
I'm having issue in calculating items in my pivot table.
I wish I could add variances and ratios and the right of my table and that it adapts whenever I change my data but it doesn't work. I did it manually but the layout changes when I change data and so I have to do it again.
Could you please help me solve that issue?
Here is an example of my issue with the simple formula I added.
you just need to apply a value filter. Right-click on one of the "Clé de répartition" items and select "Filter | Value Filters..."
There you can filter on values the do not equal 0:
- Martin_WeissBronze Contributor
if I understand correctly, you put the formulas for the variances manually beside your pivot table, right?
What you should do instead, is to create so-called calculated fields within the pivot table. To do this, put the active cell on any value field in your pivot table and then open the menu "PivotTable Analyze | Calculated Field..."
There you can add new fields by creating simple formulas which are based on the existing fields. Here is a simple example:
This new field "Variance" can be used directly in the pivot table like any other field.
You just need to know that the possibilites are limited to very simple operations, like + - / * and you can reference only existing fields from your pivot table.
- Matthieu_PetersCopper Contributor
Hi Martin_Weiss, thanks for the reply.
Unfortunately, I can't do it the way you told me. I need to compute the variance between 2 columns and it doesn't work. Here is the result I have :
While I wish I could compute Réel - REF0.
I don't know if it is feasible.
- Martin_WeissBronze Contributor
actually, that's exactly what calculated fields are made for: making simple calculations between different columns.
Could you please provide more screenshots:
the list of PivotTable-fields and also what the calculated field looks like. So something like this:
It would be even better to have an example file with some random data uploaded, if possible.