background color code of a cell and get this color RGB properties in a cell

Copper Contributor


I want to know how can I get a cell background color code and get this color RGB properties in a cell

2 Replies


I believe you wish to read out the RGB code for the color of a particular cell. You need user a defined function in VBA to do this. Found the code on-line, here:


Adopted it a bit so that it gives the output that you desire.



Function getRGB(rcell) As String
    Dim C As Long
    Dim R As Long
    Dim G As Long
    Dim B As Long

    C = rcell.Interior.Color
    R = C Mod 256
    G = C \ 256 Mod 256
    B = C \ 65536 Mod 256
    getRGB = R & ";" & G & ";" & B
End Function



  Enter a formula as usual, assuming the coloured cell is A1:


