Adjust Gantt Chart From Dates of Daily to Weekly

Copper Contributor


Using the Gantt Chart Template downloaded from Microsoft Office website, the template works great for the needs, but the desire to modify is to instead of showing daily to show week ending.

The template is:  Agile Gantt chart (


The month - Row 6 - still needed

The date - Row 7 still needed - but would be example for January -- 7, 14, 21, 28 instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc

The day of week - Row 9 - (M, T, W, T, F, S, S) - would not be needed because the date on row 7 would be end of week


I'm not sure how that corresponds with any other formulas from the template or scrolling affect, but the desire of having week ending should compact the date dates/months more for greater visibility as the Gantt is effective for the entire year.

Is there a way to modify this type of template that is downloaded from

Let me know if you have any feedback.

Thanks for the assistance.

3 Replies



I haven't looked in great depth at this, but it seems as if there's one formula where a simple change accomplishes what you want.

The formula in cell J7 reads this way in the downloaded template: =I7+1

If you change that to =I7+7 and then copy it to all cells on the right, it changes the chart underneath from







I haven't looked in great depth at this, but it seems as if there's one formula where a simple change accomplishes what you want.

The formula in cell J7 reads this way in the downloaded template: =I7+1

If you change that to =I7+7 and then copy it to all cells on the right, it changes the chart underneath from





@Joe_0606 when I do this, the months are skewed further into the period (i.e. March header showing up in February) - any solutions?